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A day in the life as a mommy to two wonderful boys and a military husband.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What was I thinking?

As if my husband's arrival in two weeks isn't an emotional roller coaster in itself, I thought it would be a good idea to plan a family vacation for two days after he gets home to California. Furthermore, to keep myself occupied until he gets here (Lord knows Kolby and Konyr don't occupy me at all) I have accepted the task of babysitting a 1yr old and a 6yr old for the next week and a half. Which reminds me, I really should look into a rehab facility, clearly my crack smoking is out of control lately! On a good note, I am in the last week of my class (only to start another on Monday) and consistently rocking a 98% :D

Although, it sounds like a whole bunch of craziness, the boys always bring me back to reality. Nothing in the world matters when they are playing together, when Kolby comes to me and says, "Mommy I hold you like a baby?!" or when Konyr insists on unplugging the vacuum and attempting to plug it back in on his own. Over the next two weeks, with countless deep breaths, we will focus on the joy and excitement that comes with welcoming daddy home and take everything else in stride :) Happy week y'all!


  1. Hey lady!!! I'm so freaking excited you have a blog now and can join me in the blogging world!! ;) By the way, I'm loving your blog layout, looks dang professional to me! So, keep blogging and letting me know what's going on in your life! How are your boys doing... I see your hubby is coming home soon, how long has he been gone... how's life in good ole CO going??? Again, I'm so excited to be reconnected with you again!

  2. You are telling me! When you disappeared from Facebook I was sincerely sad. I was telling Blake you were long lost friend who was lost again! I knew you had a blog but I couldn't remember what the address was. After some stalking, I found you! Just in time for little miss' arrival! I love your blog and all your crafty ideas. You are an incredible mother and wife!

  3. Oh, and he has been gone since last september! Can't wait to be a family again! Life in Colorado would be so much better if y'all had never moved!

  4. You are just too dang sweet! We're hoping to make a trip back to CO in November... for hopefully a week, so if we do, I will definitely need to meet up with you for a bit! Oh my, I can't imagine being apart for so long. Adam and I went a whopping 10 months before we were married and it was the hardest thing we ever did. I'm so excited that he'll back with you and the boys before long :) And again, I'm so excited you stalked me down! I was wondering if you had gotten a blog yet, but I couldn't for the life of me remember your married name to even look you up in the phone book. Post some pics of your cute boys, I bet they're getting big! (btw, i wrote this much earlier in the day, but forgot to post it... i do that a lot!)

  5. I would oh so love to meet the Larsen boys! Thank you, we are sooo excited to have him back. Being a single mommy is lonely! How do I respond to your blogs? Every time I try it wont let me post it, like wont let me click the post comment button. So I will tell you here haha. You look PHENOMENAL! You are the cutest little pregnant lady I have ever seen! I need to rub allover that baby belly haha jk, sorta :) How are the boys doing?

  6. I'm not sure about the blog response... hmm, that is one thing I don't really care for on here, it doesn't alert you when someone writes back and forth, like what we're doing. Well, it probably alerts you, but I have to keep coming back to see if you responded. (If any of that jibberish makes any sense) Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I sure don't feel to phenomenal these days ;) I really do love being pregnant though and am getting super sad that we're at the end of it. I'm excited to be regular me again though... and hold and smell up a new baby! I just hope I adjust well to having three kids! I'm starting to get nervous because all everyone ever tells me is how hard 3 is. And because I can't sleep at all these days from all the bathroom stops, heartburn and just being plain uncomfortable, I'm so scared that I'm going to be a wreck and even more tired when she's finally here. The boys are doing really good! Troy has officially hit the terrible twos stage (I think we hit it about 1 1/2 but then it seemed to get better, and now this is round two!). He's a little pill these days and makes the days reeeeally long. Tanner is starting Kindergarten this next month!! And Adam is working ALL the time, but is looking forward to this fall and some vacation time (which mind you, is pretty much going ALL towards his hunting hobby!) and from what you've seen on my blog I've been crafting away! We were hoping to buy a house this month, but sadly found out that we're probably a few months away from the big purchase :( I can not wait to have my own house to decorate and make my own. I'm so sick of rentals, even though I still make them homey, they're still someone else's you know? How's your house coming along?! Last time I saw pics, you were having work done on the basement.. is all of that done now? Anything else you're working on? How old are your boys now? Anymore in the near future???!! I like hearing of new little babies and baby bumps!
